Members Spring European Trip
Bénodet, Brittany, France, 10th May – 16th May 2018.

Here it is! The news NFHOGGies have been waiting for – the ever-popular Euro-trip for 2018!
We’re off to Bénodet in Brittany with Eurocamp, and it’s a lovely site. It’s 0.05km from a beach and a short walk into the resort of Bénodet. They are opening especially for us and we are going to be made very welcome.
So – get your booking form back to Stewart Stuppell by Wednesday 27th September 2017. Places are limited so it will be first-come first-served. You can download your booking form below.
Either download the Excel version of the form and email it back, or download the PDF version, print, fill in, and scan and email it or post it back to Stewart. The overnight ferry out departs the evening of Thursday 10th May 2018 and the overnight back gets us into Portsmouth early on Wednesday 16th May 2018.
Any questions? Email or post something on the Facebook HOG CAMP page and tag Grace Howard.