Blazin Steampunk Rally Giveaway
The Blazin Steampunk rally 750 give away.
As you may be aware the committee purchased a Harley Davidson 750 which was to be given away at our clubs rally to celebrate our 30th anniversary.
Due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19, a significant number of events across the world have been cancelled.
You will have seen from our newsletters that all HOG rallies and events in the UK are cancelled including our very own Blazin Rally. This leaves us with a dilemma about what do we do with the stored 750.
After much deliberation the committee have decided we should sell the bike via Southampton Harley Davidson, and look at the possibility of trying this again in the future , once when we have the rally up and running. Going forward our Rally will be in the safe hands of Polly and Mark Smith our two new rally managers,
Thank you all for understanding and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me on director@newforesthog.co.uk
H xx