Hello, I’m your Lady of Harley Officer and my role is to promote L.O.H. within the New Forest Chapter, and make sure
everyone gets involved with our activities, events and rideouts, whether you are a rider or a pillion.
To fully benefit from L.O.H. you must be a member of H.O.G. UK, and a member of our chapter (full or joint). Don’t forget to tick the box on your H.O.G. membership forms for L.O.H. – it does not cost any extra.
We are not a separate part of the chapter it is a group for everyone; along with the activities officer we want to put on a variety of events whether bike base or more of a social gathering and also raise some money for our given charities for the year along the way.
I would love to hear any ideas you have for activities/events you would like to do.
The club meets up at our dealership in Southampton on a Saturday and it would be great to see you there for a coffee and a chat.
My email is charlie@newforesthog.co.uk if you have any questions or would like to meet at SH-D on a Saturday and feel a bit too daunted to come in.
Ride safe.
Charlie Ford
Ladies of Harley Officer
New Forest Chapter (H.O.G.) ®