LOH ride out 3rd June

The weather was on our side for a glorious ride to Devizes for lunch . We rode some fantastic roads through Stockbridge, Tidworth and Everleigh to Devizes. The views along the way were beautiful as well as seeing lots of gliders taking to the air over Salisbury Plain. 10 ladies had a lovely catch up with great food and not to mention cake !! It’s a must … Lots of laughs around the table was great to hear, and long overdue. Return journey saw us head towards Chippenham to take the A4 back via Avebury to Marlborough with no room for any more cake !!!! Onwards to Lugershall then back to SHD . Lots of miles covered, great day with great company. Would be great to see a few more ladies riding out so if you missed this one let us know and we can organise another …