After undertaking a fantastic job over the past couple of years producing, what I hope you will all agree, is an excellent magazine, Trevor is going to finally hang up his Editor’s hat and head off towards the sun in his motorhome (named YOLO) as from January with the lovely Michelle.
You will probably remember that we have asked on a couple of occasions over the past few months for someone to assist with the production of Let’s Ride and the time has come whereby that need is now critical if the magazine is to continue.
Trevor has agreed to see through to the end, the production of the next edition that will be available at Subs Renewal Night but if no-one comes forward in the next couple of weeks and puts their hand up to carry on his good work, that edition will become a collector’s item as the last issue to go to press for the foreseeable future. No Editor means no magazine I’m afraid.
It will be a shame if Let’s Ride can’t continue but as you will all appreciate, everyone on the Committee already spends a considerable amount of time and effort in helping to run the club, the rides and the events so it would be extremely unfair to ask an existing committee member to take over the job in addition to their usual responsibilities. I’m therefore asking for your help in ensuring Let’s Ride continues to roll off the press in 2018 and linked is a ‘Job Description’ of the role.
Both Trevor and I are more than happy to talk to anyone who is interested in the role so please don’t sit there thinking you might be interested but have a question or two and let it put you off. Give us a call or drop us an email and we’ll put your mind at rest!
Assistant Director.