Latest New Forest Chapter News
Winter Ball moved to October 2018
See details here:
February Winter Ball POSTPONED
Unfortunately we have had to postpone the event until autumn or winter 2018. This was due to time restrictions getting it organised to the standard we normally have for our events. More information will follow in the normal newsletter in the coming weeks....
New Forest LOH Coffee and Chat 18th November 2017
Thanks to all the New Forest ladies that came to our Coffee and Chat morning on the 18th November at Southampton H-D and thanks to them for letting me take over a desk and Sue for making some cakes. It was a good get together and we shared loads of ideas...
Magazine Editor Position Vacancy
All, After undertaking a fantastic job over the past couple of years producing, what I hope you will all agree, is an excellent magazine, Trevor is going to finally hang up his Editor’s hat and head off towards the sun in his motorhome (named YOLO) as from...
Lady’s Rally T-shirts are now available
Lady's Rally T-Shirts from Blazin' Blitz are now available. Men's Rally T-Shirts are also still available to buy and are available in many colours and sizes. Order by contacting Fingers mobile no. 07891 034 602. Front and back of the Lady's T-Shirt are shown below....
Blazin’ Rally 2018 details to be announced in November 2017
Watch this space.
Club Google Calendar has changed
The club Google calendar has changed. If you're not using it then there is no action you need to take. If you were then you'll need to visit its page again and click the little plus button on the bottom right to add it to your own calendar or follow the...
Rally T-shirts still available
Rally T-Shirts are still available to buy and are available in many colours and sizes. Order by contacting Fingers mobile no. 07891 034 602. Front and back are shown below.
Calling all Lady Rally Attendees!
New Forest LOH invite you to join us in the Boat House for a spot of retail therapy and a glass (or two) of bubbles. Friday 5-6pm.
Euro Trip 2018 Reminder
Don’t forget: BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR THE RALLY, please return your booking form for the fantastic 2018 Euro-trip to Bénodet in Brittany (out evening Thurs 10th May 2018, back early on Weds 16th May 2018). Download your booking form...