Latest New Forest Chapter News
Blazin' Blitz Traders Form Now Online
If you'd like to be a trader at our rally please see our Traders page for more information. More pages coming on a weekly basis.
Blazin’ Blitz Booking Update
Bookings for Blazin Blitz Rally September 2017 are flying off the shelves, and due to the high demand we only have two bedroom units available, however, if people are prepared to share then the cost of these higher spec rooms are still good value for money. From £123...
Blazin' Blitz Booking Update
Bookings for Blazin Blitz Rally September 2017 are flying off the shelves, and due to the high demand we only have two bedroom units available, however, if people are prepared to share then the cost of these higher spec rooms are still good value for money. From £123...
Chapter Christmas Party
Members-only event. See full details here.
Rally Pages Taking Shape
There's lots of activity going on organising the Rally, even though it's more than a year away. We're looking at entertainment, traders, competitions, prizes, you name it. And the website is starting to take shape with new sections for getting there, posters, gallery...
New Forest HOG Rally 2017 – Blazin' Blitz Tickets
You can buy tickets already NOW. At the time of writing we've sold 227 tickets with 330 remaining. More information is on our Blazin' Tickets page.
New Forest HOG Rally 2017 – Blazin' Blitz
The first details are out - click the image above!
New Forest HOG Rally 2017
Blazin’ Rally 2017 We will meet again in 2017… The New Forest HOG Blazin’ Rally 2017 details are coming soon!
Geoff & Lyn’s Wedding
As many of you will be aware, your fellow club members and friends, Geoff Anderson and Lyn Whitefoot will be tying the knot on Saturday 28th May.
Geoff & Lyn's Wedding
As many of you will be aware, your fellow club members and friends, Geoff Anderson and Lyn Whitefoot will be tying the knot on Saturday 28th May.