Latest New Forest Chapter News
Jailhouse Cafe 25th June
Bradford Upon Avon Ride 18th June
Club Night Happy Cheese 15th June
AV8 Cafe 27th May
SH-D Bike Night 1st June
10th June Ride Saddleback farm
Ladies of Harley A Big Thankyou
A big thank you to Sue Dossett and the New Forest Ladies who raised £80 for the HIOWAA at our event to celebrate International Women's Day at SH-D on the 11th March 2023. Thank you to everyone who baked cakes and who donated.
Ride to Hythe with Polly 20th May
18th May Club Night at the Happy Cheese
Ladies Of Harley Coffee and Chat
"Good Morning Ladies! Thank you so much for lovely Welcome. I am hoping to meet as many of you who are available to join us for our next coffee and chat. Looking forward of planning event's with you in the forseen future. I will have to rely on you...